In life, we use physical tools to help us accomplish various tasks: hammers to pound nails, scissors to cut paper, and shovels to make holes. These tools are certainly helpful, but in today’s digital world, our students also need access to digital tools. According to the National Education Technology Standards (NETS), students need to develop the necessary skills to evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks. The resources below are just a small sample of the tools we use with our students. These tools are subscription based and require a username and password. Students are encouraged to use these tools at school as well as at home to help them with their homework or to simply enjoy learning for the sake of learning!

EBOOKS - available via Cooper’s library card catalog, which can be accessed from the Media Center button on Cooper’s home page.
BRAINPOP - provides educational movies, activities, and games. To access this resource, go to
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